International Course on Road Safety 25 November - 09 December 2024, TRIP Centre, Indian Institute of Technology Delhi


Independent Council for Road Safety International (ICoRSI)

Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs, Govt. of India

Ministry of Road Transport and Highways, Govt. of India


The Transportation Research and Injury Prevention Centre (TRIP Centre), Indian Institute of Technology Delhi, is organizing its 34th International Course on Road Safety at the IIT Delhi campus in Hauz Khas, New Delhi, India, from the 25th of November to the 9th of December 2024.

Course Objectives

This  course will give a global perspective on the road safety problem and provide state-of-the-art information on the multiplicity of issues surrounding road safety, with particular attention to road safety in LMICs.  This course will have modules on Road Safety, Field Audits, and Vehicle Safety Technology, this year’s course will have modules on road safety, field audits and Governance of Road Safety Policy & Planning.

The participants, and instructors will be an interdisciplinary group of traffic and road engineers, civil, mechanical and automotive engineers, transport and city planners, travel behaviour experts, policy scholars, and law enforcement personnel.

The first three days will include a common module (Module 1) on road safety for all participants, followed by parallel modules on Road Safety (Module 2A), Road Safety & Field Audits (Module 2B),  and Governance of Road Safety Planning and Implementation (Module 3)

Participants interested in earning certification as Road Safety Auditors must fulfill the requirements prescribed by the Indian Road Congress (IRC), including submission of a practical audit report and taking a written exam. On successful completion, and payment of additional fees as required by IRC, these participants will receive a "Road Safety Audit Apprentice’ Certificate.”

By the end of the Course, all participants will gain information of:

·        The latest scientific knowledge on road safety, road safety audit, traffic planning, prevention of traffic accidents and injuries

·        Policies and methods, which have been shown to be successful and those that have not worked in the past


The Course will have a limited number of participants, selection will be based on their involvement in transportation planning and road safety research, involvement in policy making and implementation of safety measures. An attempt will be made to have a balanced mix of engineers, planners, law enforcers, policy makers, and social scientists. To allow full engagement with the course, all participants must have a working knowledge of English.

Participants who wish to obtain IRC Certification must have minimum qualification of B.E / B. Tech. (Civil Engineering).

Host Institution

The Transportation Research and Injury Prevention Centre (TRIP Centre), Indian Institute of Technology, New Delhi, India, will host the course. The TRIP Centre is a WHO Collaborating Centre for Research and Training in Safety Technology. TRIP Centre faculty have expertise in epidemiological studies, design of vehicles and safety equipment, traffic flow modelling, transportation planning, highway design, large-scale public infrastructure design and construction, policy studies, urban studies, and care of injured persons.

The course is taught by world-class experts from around the globe. Instructors include members of the TRIP Centre faculty, associated faculty members from other departments, centres and schools at IIT Delhi, and academics, researchers and practitioners from countries in Europe, the Americas, Asia, and Australia. All course instructors have been involved in safety research for a decade or more.
Course Outline

Course Schedule

Common for all participants (November 25, 26 & 27)

·     International overview of injuries

·     Injury as a public health problem

·     Systems approach to injury control

·     Enforcement legislation and education

·     Data analysis and risk factors

·     Human tolerance to injury

Module 1 (November 28 to December 5)

Road Safety (Including field audit)

·     Traffic safety

·     Urban transport planning

·     Traffic calming

·     Highway safety audit

·     Public transport safety

·     Non-motorised transport safety


Module 2 (November 28 to December 9)

Module 1 + IRC Certification

·     Submission of practical audit report

·     Written exam

Module 3 (November 28 to 30)

Road Safety and Governanace of Road Safety Planning and Implementation

·      Importance of governance in society and road safety

·      Leveraging governance for delivery of road safety solutions

·      Leading and managing implementation of road safety solutions


ROAD SAFETY + AUDIT (Common Module + Module 1)

* Indian industry, Public sector OR International participants  - INR 70,800 or US$ 885

* Indian educational institutions and research organisations - INR 35,400

* Indian students OR International Students - INR 12,000 OR US$ 150

ROAD SAFETY + AUDIT (with IRC Certificate) (Module 2) 

For Delegates  - INR 88,500 (tax inclusive) + IRC license fee - INR 8850

* For Students - INR 29,500 (tax inclusive)  + IRC License fee - INR 2950


Indian industry, Public sector and international participants - INR 42,500 or US$ 530

* Indian educational institutions and research organisations - INR 21,250  or US$ 265

* Indian students OR International students - INR 7500 or US$ 95

Fees are inclusive of 18% GST


*Very limited funds are available for partial support.

*For details please refer to the course application form


*All applicants must complete the course application form and submit a brief biodata.

Course Coordinator

Prof. Girish Agrawal

Prof. Rahul Goel

Faculty Members

Andres Villaveces, CDC, USA - Pedestrian safety

Deepty Jain, IIT Delhi, India : Built environment and travel behavior

Geetam Tiwari, IIT Delhi, India: Transportation Planning and Traffic Safety

Girish Agrawal, IIT Delhi, India: Road Safety Law & Policy and Urban Transport Infrastructure

Hermann Knoflacher, Institute for Transport Sciences, University of Technology, Vienna, Austria

Sewa Ram, SPA, Delhi, India: Safe road design

K. R. Rao, IIT Delhi, India : Transportation Engineering

Kavi Bhalla, University of Chicago, USA: Injury, Epidemiology and Global Health

Satyendra Garg, IIT Delhi, India: Road safety enforcement

K. N. Jha, IIT Delhi, India : Structure and Construction Safety

Lokesh Kumar Kalahasthi, IIT Delhi, India : Freight planning

Meleckidzedeck Khayesi. WHO, Geneva : Governance and Institutions

Puneet Mahajan, IIT Delhi, India : Crash helmets & Human vibration

Rahul Goel, IIT Delhi, India: Traffic Safety

Sai Chand, IIT Delhi, India : ITS and Road Safety

Sanjay Mitra, IIT Delhi, India: Road safety governance

Sudipto Mukherjee, IIT Delhi, India : Crashworthiness mechanics

Shrikant Bangdiwala, Univ. of McMaster, Canada: Statistics

Sylvain Lassarre, University Gustave Eiffel, France: Risk analysis & management

P.S. Kharola, IIT Delhi, India: Road safety governance

Mathew Varghese, St. Stephens Hospital, Delhi, India: Pre Hospital Care

S.K. Popli, NHAI, India: Highway safety audit

Correspondence address

Room MS 815 Main Building

Indian Institute of Technology Delhi

Hauz Khas, New Delhi-110016, India

Phone: 91-11-26566361; 26596557



Venue :

IRD Conference Room

Indian Institute of Technology Delhi

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